John Norris
November 1, 2023 – (BOSTON)
Dr. Haden Land and I are a former Lockheed Martin senior executive, and an FDA COO and Harvard faculty member. And both experts on risk management—particularly “infectious-disease-spread” risk management and “military-related” risk management.
As such, the sneak attack on Israel has raised serious concerns for us.
As a critical part of our loud and resounding domestic and international alarm campaign, we emphasized in many recent articles and posts that we believe Israel and the US are unprepared for a potential “Bio War Sneak Attack” stimulated by the quick degradation of the status of the Hamas war.
We believe Israel’s attackers (Hamas, but increasingly also Hezbollah, and other Iranian allies, either directly or indirectly) will perpetrate this new form of attack on Israel and the US—once the attackers are all but defeated and believe they are “cornered.” In other words, we believe this is a significant danger that must professionally and aggressively be risk-managed.
When Israel’s attackers face destruction, they will do whatever they believe they can get away with—less than an easily traceable nuclear attack—to damage Israel and its people, and the US, directly or indirectly, critically.
Hamas and its allies will not use a nuclear method of mass destruction, even a “dirty bomb.” They are genuinely deterred from using them. That is why we have not had a nuclear war in the 68 years since 1945 when the atomic attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed 2,000 people.
Because no nuclear war has befallen us, we have been lulled into a sense of security from weapons of mass destruction that does not exist. Massively dangerous bioweapons have been overlooked or forgotten.
We fool you not. This threat is real. No matter how much we, especially our leaders, try to ignore or deny it, we must confront its reality now.
A “real and present danger?” If so, are we prepared?
This possibility of a sneak attack using a bioweapon represents “an obvious real and present danger” to both Israel and the US. We are doomed if we don’t properly prepare. If we are not prepared, we will be on our knees before we know fully what happened.
In recent years, there have been many things that Israel and America should have done but have not done to “prepare” themselves for a “bio sneak attack” and an all-out bio war. Indeed, after the first wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic, it should have been brilliantly clear to both countries and their business leaders that they were woefully unprepared for such an attack—and significantly unprotected if such an attack occurred.
And if the 1.1M American deaths included more workers, spouses, and children, the unfathomable stain would have been 10x broader and 100x deeper. Why are nuclear weapons off Hamas and its allies’ table? If so, why don’t we know this?
And we believe the likelihood of a devastating nuclear sneak attack and all-out atomic war is far less than a bio sneak attack and full-blown bio war. Yet this year, both countries are spending most of their defense budgets on nuclear attack preparation and results risk management (roughly $750B by the US alone).
At a minimum, 10% of the nuclear attack risk management funding should be moved to the bio attack funding category. Dr. Land and I and our teammates are doing our part. But our investment of millions of dollars in our bio attack (by nature or by humans) risk management company, Safely2Prosperity, is minuscule by comparison. We have invested cash, time, and energy beyond excruciating levels of pain. Our government agency and business leaders must do their part now.
Preparedness requires significant amounts of public and private money. Many American and Israeli government agency heads and business CEOs should be taking this matter more seriously. Instead, they have a “wait-and-see” attitude, or what physicians call “watchful waiting.”
Will the widespread lack of preparedness be devastating to lives and enterprises if the biothreat materializes?
Unfortunately, in this category, things would happen so fast if they occurred that the agency and business leaders would be woefully unprepared, and their prevention, mitigation, and control responses would most likely be delayed and weak.
Accordingly, their strategy is non-proactive, dangerous, and reckless. And they will be held accountable.
So, it makes no sense collectively and individually to “sit on one’s hands.” The argument that “we cannot afford preparedness” is false. What you cannot afford is “to be unprepared.”
What’s more, we fear another industrial disaster, far more significant than the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire—that shaped the politics of New York and later the entire nation—and the Hawaii fire that is beginning to do the same—is possibly just months to years away if nature is the cause and just around the corner if Hamas (and its allies) are the cause.
If they turn their war against Israel (and the US) into a bio war, it will create, by many orders of magnitude, the worst disaster that the US or Israel has ever experienced.
Is an “attack by fire” like, but far less devastating than, a “bio attack” regarding both the depth and breadth of its damages?
Like with the 1.1M “disposables” from the COVID-19 Pandemic, the 146 trapped, fire-exposed workers who died in or because of the fire that day were never mentioned by name. They remained nameless for decades. Nonetheless, their deaths counted.
But the difference was that in the case of a massive all-at-once scale of the fire, and the scale of the simultaneous occurrence of deaths drove politicians (and the nation’s “secret legislators, “our plaintiffs’ attorneys) to act quickly and aggressively to prevent another such disaster.
Because the Triangle fire was the deadliest workplace disaster in New York City’s history until 9/11 killed 2,300, the responsive legislation implemented corrective solid legislation.
It was incensed women workers and Roosevelt’s female Secretary of Labor who drove this home. Incensed workers and the Secretary of Labor might need to remind our agency and business leaders of the at least 1,000-fold more significant risks here.
Even if it is late, there is also a monument to the killed, the Triangle Fire Memorial. And before that, “chalk recognition on the sidewalk before their houses. There is no monument to those who died from COVID-19. They are the forgotten victims of the forgotten war.
And the very recent Hawaii fire will likely do the same for those fire victims. This is good on the one hand. But on the other hand, the far more dangerous bio attack must be addressed simultaneously.
Neither has been created for the 1.1M COVID-19-attack victims. There has been no sympathy for them. They are the disposables. This is not right.
Is not fire protection ubiquitous throughout the world? Why not enhance its big sister, bio protection?
Today, the dangers associated with enterprise (especially factory) fire are risk-managed throughout the developed world. But only some are bio-risk managed.
Again, there is no responsible, responsive action in defense of today’s surviving workers (or those to come) by our nation or the world’s government agency and business leaders. Shame on them.
Given the numbers, 1.1M vs 146, where is the outrage here, too? Where are the marchers? Where are the movement leaders? Where are the signs and banners? Post-attack, there likely would be millions. But pre-attack, there are none.
Where are the public and private funders? They cannot be found. Shame on them all.
Where is the media? There are no front-page stories about planes arriving safely. But there are months of stories on crashes. This is especially so if 300 people are killed.
So, where is our concern for the 1.1M Americans who died from the pandemic? And the millions who will die if there is an organized bio sneak attack. Shame on them all.
Where are our wealthy foundations and patrons? Again, shame on them.
And what about the health and liability insurers who must protect their shareholders—and where are the shareholders themselves? And the senior executives who will only save their jobs if they save their employees and their employees’ families? Again, shame on them.
And what of America’s 735 billionaires and 22M millionaires? Could they not help? Shame on them.
Finally, and most embarrassingly, where are our union leaders? Their first duty is to protect their members’ and their families’ health and welfare. Do they not see the significance of this risk? Are they blind? Do they not care?
Has S2P done enough on its own?
Some members of my Safely2Prosperity team have spent all their savings, their retirement funds, and the equity on their homes—and most of what their generous and committed spouses have graciously loaned us from their retirement funds—to develop advanced technology to save these lives. Do we have to lead this campaign without any helpers?
What can we do more? Where is the moral, ethical, and social mandate and outrage to provide help? We have worked hard for two years in every way we could. To create this mandate is our passion.
Then, The US Supreme Court, backed by blinded business leaders, thoughtlessly (and some might say, heartlessly) struck down the OSHA federal mandate. Proponents of this decision all saw dollars lost when they should have seen lives and enterprises (and their own jobs) saved.
You are barely awake. But another siren goes off in the middle of the night. And this time, it is not set off because of a threatened nuclear sneak attack. It is because of an actual “bio sneak attack.”
Of what to be aware?
In this situation, ignorance is not bliss. It is deadly.
You might recall that during the first wave of COVID-19, the US economy was damaged in the range of $14T (and on top of that, 1.1M deaths of people worth countless trillions of dollars). Both numbers are astronomically large. But you hear little in the press about them anymore. We wonder why.
Someday, with the use of stealth weapons such as bioweapons, there will be fewer places to hide.
What to do immediately? And why?
A few days ago, just in time to prepare us all for the CDC “Tripledemic,” and now for Hamas’ and its allies possible infectious disease spread sneak attack and all-out war, one of the four companies worldwide legitimately capable of accomplishing the needed tasks, Safely2Prosperity, launched a breakthrough v2.0 of its risk-management product.
This multi-disease, multi-location, infectious disease spread risk management program assures preparation to the extent reasonable and practicable at a fair price. Millions of government agencies and businesses (for-profit and not-for-profit) need this strategy and its digital tools.
Two recent articles published in world-renowned newspapers illuminate the urgent need for companies to act. One appeared in The Wall Street Journal. It is titled “World War III Will Be Fought With Viruses.” The other was published in The New York Times. It is titled “Covid Didn’t Take a Summer Vacation.”
Use the URL to obtain more information. And, if you like, a brief conversation.
About Safely2Prosperity
Safely2Prosperity (S2P) is an innovative health-tech company conceptualized and built by industry luminary Dr. John Norris. And S2P is led by former Lockheed Martin senior executive Dr. Haden Land.
Forward-Looking Statements Disclaimer
This press release contains forward-looking statements concerning Safely2Prosperity’s (S2P’s) future operations, financial performance, product development plans, and other projections. Safely2Prosperity undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether because of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.
© 2023 Safely2Prosperity LLC and Dr. John Norris, JD, MBA. All rights are reserved.
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