Since the United Kingdom removed itself from the European Union’s Erasmus program following Brexit, the European Commission is now seeking to resume negotiations to permit unrestricted mobility of millions of individuals aged 18 to 30 for exchange. The initiative would now partially reverse one of the most divisive elements of Brexit: the ability to remain in the nation of choice for up to four years. This is because the reduced mobility between the EU and the UK after Brexit especially impairs young people’s prospects to travel abroad for exchange.
This agreement’s goal is to promote youth exchanges by easing travel, employment, and residency requirements for young EU citizens in the UK, with equivalence for young UK people visiting an EU country. The proposal represents a “breakthrough” in EU-UK ties, especially because the commission had been adamantly against giving any concessions to the UK following Brexit.
However, this would only be a controlled arrangement—the free movement of individuals would not be restored. The UK already has programs in place with a few non-EU nations that let citizens visit the country for a maximum of two years. It indicates that it is willing to expand that to specific EU members as opposed to the entire EU.
The 2016 Brexit referendum was heavily influenced by the EU’s free movement regulations, which the Leave side promised to withdraw from to give the UK more control over immigration. Due to time limits on freedoms and the requirement that UK participants remain in the EU member state that granted them, the proposed EU plan does not quite mirror the current framework.
Additionally, when in their destination countries, the beneficiaries ought to have the freedom to engage in a variety of activities, including working, studying, training, and traveling. However, it would substantially loosen immigration restrictions on youth traveling between the EU and the UK, with no cap on the total number of individuals.

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