Every year, more and more people have tattoos; many males have their hair tattooed, while every other woman has her eyebrows inked. These trends make having a little, delicate feminine tattoo somewhere else on your body not seem like such a huge deal. It’s important to choose a tattoo that you won’t regret getting in the future and to place it in a fashionable and tasteful area. Being able to conceal it when you’re at work, though, is something else you should consider.
Keeping that in mind, we have created a list of the 20 best places for tattoos on a woman.
Best Places for Tattoo on a Woman
1. Inner Wrist
As one of the least painful tattoo locations on a woman, it is also one of the greatest spots because it can be covered up for work and accommodates smaller designs or words. Your tattoo will heal rather rapidly, depending on its size and how your body reacts to it. Just make sure to look after it and avoid wearing jewelry until it has fully healed.
2. Side wrist
Women are getting tattoos more and more frequently these days, and the side of the wrist is one of the most common places to get one. A side wrist tattoo is a terrific option for the businesswoman because it is high enough to be easily covered by lengthy sleeves or a blazer. However, you can effortlessly display your ink with a quick flick or gesture when the time comes.
3. Inner bicep
Due to numerous celebrities recently favoring this area of their bodies over any other for tattoo placement, the inner arm and inner bicep have become practically legendary. You can write a longer or shorter sentence. Although inner arm tattoos are simpler to conceal at work, you still need longer sleeves. Compared to places near bones, it won’t hurt quite as bad.
4. Inner arm
Even though it’s more difficult to conceal without wearing longer sleeves, this looks incredibly pretty and feminine. Since there is somewhat extra padding here, it isn’t going to hurt as bad. This space is typically reserved for cutesy phrases rather than actual photos, but it could work for both.
5. Behind the ear
even though you won’t be able to flaunt it off while your hair down, the delicate small tattoo behind your ear will add a special touch to your up-dos. It is also one of the least painful sites to get a tattoo due to the small number of nerve endings there! In fact, it might end up being your very favorite place to get inked.
6. Nape of the neck
Another fantastic spot that may be covered up quickly but is challenging to take care of on your own is the nape of your neck. It can also directly impact the spine, which is another important point. But it’s a terrific, vast room for bigger tattoos or lengthier scripts, and it looks gorgeous.
7. Spine
This area is mostly bone, which makes it sensitive even though it’s ideal for a lovely script tattoo, so keep that in mind. Undoubtedly among the most painful tattoo locations, but very worthwhile. This type of tattoo is the ideal illustration of how a traumatic event can produce a beautiful placement.
8. Finger tops
Since finger tattoos are frequently quite close to the bone, they are painful, but the discomfort is brief. The top of your finger might be one of the ideal locations, though, if you’ve desired to get a tattoo but feared it would smear and run. Most ladies who want little tattoos typically get them in such locations since they are known for their delicate, petite patterns.
9. Side of the finger
The sides of your fingers would make a good additional location for a tattoo that you could always be proud of. Given their size, these tattoos can be readily concealed by rings, but if that’s not what you want, rings can also easily draw attention to your tattoo. Given how tiny and delicate finger tattoos are, you can be sure that you are going to love your first tattoo there.
10. Back Shoulder
Due to its simplicity of concealment, this is a suitable placement for employment. The drawback to getting an ink job here is that since it will be on your back, it will be challenging to take care of. If you typically lay on your back, you might like to try a different sleeping position or location.
11. Upper shoulder
One of the nicest areas to get a tattoo on a woman will always be on the upper shoulder. Due to the presence of a little more bone, the location is more uncomfortable. It is a fantastic place to get a script tattoo if you want one. However, because it doesn’t offer much room, you could choose to think about one of the other possibilities if you’re interested in an image.
12. Shoulder
Women frequently choose to have shoulder tattoos because, depending on the apparel, they can either cover them up or show them off. The shoulder’s relatively flat surface makes it an ideal area to display a huge work of art. However, due to the absence of cushioning for the needle, having a tattoo on the actual shoulder bone may feel rather uncomfortable.
13. Rib cage
Women frequently have tattoos on their ribcage. It is a fantastic place to display your artwork and maybe both girly and tough. Although it is not for the timid, the rib cage is an excellent location for a piece of text or an image. Tattooing this place hurts a lot, thus you need to be very pain-tolerant.
14. Cleavage
A jaw-droppingly stunning look would be to get a stunning tattoo that covers your cleavage right in between your breasts. Show off your tattoo more boldly by donning a v-neck t-shirt.
15. Collarbones
Tattoos on the collarbone are charming and imaginative. They stand out so beautifully but are very concealable. As a result, one of the best places for tattoos on a woman is the collarbone.
16. The tailbone
The lower back, also known as a “tramp stamp,” is a common and highly feminine location for a tattoo. When wearing a bikini or fitted pants, that tiny peek of ink looks quite girly because it’s hidden. Because it may be quickly covered up or displayed, this is a perfect location for a tattoo.
17. Upper thigh
A tattoo looks amazing on the upper thigh. Unlike a rib cage tattoo, which everyone else already has, you may easily cover it up while also easily displaying it. Additionally, there is room for equally or as little writing. It will also inspire you to perform your squats.
18. Feet
Women are getting more and more foot tattoos, which are a great way to express oneself. Depending on your tastes, foot tattoos can be small and delicate or massive and elaborate. While getting a foot tattoo might cause minor to severe pain, the results are typically well worth it.
19. Ankle
The ankle tattoo is among the least uncomfortable to receive. People not only claim that the discomfort is really little, but it is also one of the most likable places to have a tattoo. While other people choose to have simple hearts, equal symbols, and stars, they look just as nice. You can easily flaunt modest, sophisticated fine line tattoo styles around your ankles. A lot of high-top shoes may easily conceal ankle tattoos, so hiding them won’t be an issue.
20. The toe
Think about getting something very tiny tattooed on your big toe. You may achieve a really feminine style that requires no hours spent with a needle but yet gives you an appealing look you can consider your own if you couple it with a toe ring on your other toe.
These are the 20 best places for tattoos on a woman that are nonetheless attractive and appropriate in their placement. But keep in mind that everyone has a varied threshold for pain, so these may hurt moderately or severely. It will be worthwhile in either case.
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